Luke Scuitto

Luke Scuitto

Strategic Partnerships Lead

Luke is the Strategic Partnerships Lead at Help Texts, where he focuses on building partnerships and expanding the business. He started his career in Washington, DC, working for the Council on Foundations, where he gained valuable experience in planning and developing foundational memberships and sponsorship programmes. Later, he moved on to support health policy work with the Coalition to Transform Advanced Care (C-TAC), helping improve care for people with serious illnesses.

More recently, Luke started his own company, ColourPort Books, which creates unique colouring-trivia books now available in stores across Australia, Canada, and the United States. This venture reflects his creativity and business sense, as well as his interest in offering enjoyable activities to people everywhere. Luke loves to travel, which inspires his work and helps him connect with different cultures and ideas. Whether he's working on partnerships, sales, or his colouring books, Luke's varied experiences and love of exploration are at the core and drive the forward.

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